
Naturopathy is a natural system of health care where a Naturopath will treat clients using various modalities including herbal medicine, nutritional supplements, homeopathy and dietary and lifestyle advice. Both the symptoms and the underlying cause are addressed, with the aim being to support the body to heal itself. I use all the above modalities and more, and no two treatment plans are the same.

Herbal Medicine

Herbal medicine is the oldest system of medicine in the world, using extracts from plants to treat and prevent disease. Herbs are used in all societies and cultures in the world, and many modern medicines have been modelled on or derived from plant constituents. I love making individualised tonics for my clients and although they may not always taste the best, they work very effectively!


Iridology is a technique where the colours, markings and patterns in the iris are examined using a special magnifying torch or camera. It can pick up issues even before physical symptoms develop, and it can be a great additional tool in clinic to determine which organs are in need of treatment or support to avoid potential issues or to improve health. I use a camera and bring the image up on the computer screen so you can see it as well.

How it works

Haven’t been before?

Naturopathic Body-Led Healing – Initial consultation
(90mins) – $195
During your first appointment I will gather information, listen to your health story and use whatever therapies feel appropriate for you which may include muscle testing, herbs, Bach flowers, supplements, NER, reiki, iridology, bodytalk therapy or more.

For returning clients

Naturopathic Body-Led Healing – Follow up consultation
(60mins) – $160
At follow-up appointments, I can check in with you and see how you are going, what progress you have made, and whether we need to change anything with regard to your herbal tonic or treatment. We can also delve into other layers of health including emotional and energetic.

If we need a bit longer

Naturopathic Body-Led Healing – Extended Follow-up
(90mins) – $195
If we know we will need some extra time for treatments including NER, Bodytalk therapy or Reiki, an extended follow-up appointment allows time for this.

Other types of consults:

Muscle-Testing Consult: (30mins) – $85
For muscle testing which herbs or supplements your body needs right now and which ones you might be sensitive to.

Vaginal Microbiome Support Consult: (30mins) – $85
Specialised support for vaginal health to look at vaginal microbiome testing and individualised natural support.

Iridology only Consult: (15-20mins) – $59
If you would like Iridology without a full consult – we will take iris photos and discuss what your irises reveal about your health.